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Events Excitement

2019 has been high energy with lots of event photography, from live music to The Long Walk, to cultural and arts events such as Yirramboi and BlakHEART. It has been amazing being able to capture some of Australia's incredible talent, as well as discovering the outstanding emerging young performers. I invested in a harness system for my cameras this year and the effect has been wonderful, and being able to switch between a long lens and a wide lens seamlessly without missing any action has made shooting events so exciting.

Kathleen Gonzalez from Ethnodanceology performing at BlakHEART in Federation Square

Sermsah Bin Saad, contemporary dancer, opening night Yirramboi Festival

Michael Long greeting fans walking around the MCG as part of The Long Walk

Jesswar, independent hip hop artist pumping up the crowd at Fempress MOTHERLODE in Arts House

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